West Coast International University of Sciences, Technology, Management and Arts

Enrollment Procedure


To enroll in University regular session courses through Open program follow these steps:

  1. Review and follow all policies and procedures outlined in the Open program publication. Make sure you are familiar with the program deadlines listed in the Open program Fees and Deadlines Chart. Email to check with our operator to ensure it is work. Determine your eligibility using the guidelines listed under Admission Requirements.
  2. Prior to attending the first class session, obtain one University Extension Open Program Authorization Form for each course you plan to take. Complete the form and sign where indicated. Information must be legible, accurate, and complete, and include the correct enrollment code for each course section. A separate authorization form is required for each courses.
  3. Attend class, introduce yourself to the instructor and indicate that you wish to enroll in the course through the Open Institute Program. You must obtain the instructor’s signature on the Open Institute Authorization Form. (Enrollment in a course is at the instructor’s discretion). If attendance at a discussion section is required, you must also obtain the teaching assistant’s signature on the form. Only SA instructors or their designates may approve and sign the Open Institute Authorization Forms; teaching assistants may sign only in conjunction with an instructor when the course requires a discussion section. Note: A) The instructor may defer signing the Open Institute Authorization Form until all regularly matriculated students have been accommodated. If students find they cannot enroll in their first-choice course because the class is full, they may obtain additional authorization forms and try other courses. B) The department signature in addition to the instructor’s signature is required for all courses in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials, Mechanical Engineering, and Economics
  4. Submit your completed Open Institute Authorization Form with the required signatures and pay the necessary registration and course unit fees by the deadline as noted in the Open Institute, Fees and Deadlines Chart. Forms may be submitted as follows:
    In person to:  University  Extension Student Services, General Hall (during business hours) Student must obtain all required approvals and pay all fees by the deadline listed in order to complete the Open program registration process. Exceptions to the published deadline to add and/or drop courses require a petition and payment of fees. Approvals of late add petitions are granted only in very unusual and compelling circumstances (see Late Add and Dropping Courses/ Withdrawal Procedures).
  5. Once you submit your Open Institute Authorization Form and pay your fees, you will be able to view and print an enrollment confirmation from your CU Extension Student Portal. This verification is proof of enrollment; you will not receive a Perm number or ID card from University.
  6. If the process still do not work, Please email to info@wcuglobaledu.com , we will drop the email after we got the fee transfer.